Where did the inspiration go?

As we entered a new year one of my New Years resolutions was to try to be more active on my blog. But for some reason the inspiration seem to have left me. It’s not because I don’t have anything to share, we have done a few things which I would like to show you, but every time I sit down by my computer and try to write something my head goes empty and I can’t seem to put together a single sentence. So instead of writing I just sit there staring at the empty screen until I feel like pulling my hair. After a while I close the computer thinking that maybe I just need to do something else and then later on my inspiration will be back. But instead of ten coming back to my computer I do my very best to avoid it as much as I possibly can. So the screen stays empty and the blog stays quiet. As the days pass by I start feeling bad about avoiding the blog so I once again sit down and try to come up with something to write and once again the whole thing ends with me pulling my hair. It’s a bad circle and today I decided to stop it and just write what ever comes up in my head and this was the result.

I do hope that you won’t give up on me, I do have a lot to tell you and I’m trying my best to find a way to write it all down. So stay tuned and hopefully soon you will get to hear all about my latest adventures such as my first trip to a glacier and what it’s like to loose a tire on your way up a glacier 😉